Frequently Asked Questions - Applicants
Our entire service is free of charge for you because we are paid for our work by our clients, i.e. the schools, kindergartens or their sponsors. This does not put you at a disadvantage, as in 99% of all cases you will conclude your employment contract directly with your future employer, who will pay you like all other colleagues on site.
Zu 100 Prozent. Derzeitige oder potentielle Arbeitgeber*innen oder sonstige Dritte haben zu keiner Zeit Zugriff auf Ihre Daten. Erst wenn Sie uns Ihr Einverständnis geben, leiten wir Ihre Unterlagen und Kontaktdaten mit unserer Empfehlung an Ihre/n potentielle/n künftige/n Arbeitgeber*in weiter.
By providing as much information as possible. We will either take these from your CV and other documents, or you will have given them in the registration form when registering or applying for a specific job. We will then try to send you only those job offers that actually interest you.
In der Personalberatung, also bei Direktmandaten von Kund*innen finden Sie in der Regel private Schul- und Kitaträger, die aber meist gemeinnützig sind, also die ebenfalls einen öffentlichen Bildungsauftrag erfüllen. In unserem Online-Stellenmarkt dagegen gibt es auch viele Jobangebote von kommunalen oder staatlichen Arbeitgeber*innen.
Yes, mainly in our online job market you can find job offers from international schools and of course from German schools abroad.
Grundsätzlich waren die Chancen für einen Quer- oder Seiteneinstieg noch nie so groß wie heute, insbesondere ins Lehramt. Auch viele unserer Kund*innen suchen deshalb interessierte Quer- oder Seiteneinsteiger*innen. In der Regel ist im jeweiligen Stellenangebot angegeben, ob das geht.
Die meisten Kindergärten und Schulen suchen über uns Mitarbeiter*innen, die sie langfristig beschäftigen möchten. Wir empfehlen daher, sich lieber direkt bei Einrichtungen in der Nachbarschaft zu bewerben.
Wir anonymisieren nur jene Stellenangebote, für die wir ein Direktmandat haben, um potentielle Bewerber*innen aktiv anzusprechen und zu beraten, nicht nur um uns zu schützen, sondern auch, weil die Auftraggeber*innen uns mit der Beratung von Bewerber*innen und der Vorauswahl beauftragt haben, um selbst Aufwand und Zeit zu sparen. Auf Anfrage bei uns erfahren Sie selbstverständlich weitere Details zu Ihrem künftigen Arbeitsplatz.
Yes. Some public schools have been allocated so-called planned or empty positions by the state for their teaching or management staff. Or you can take a leave of absence from the state for a certain period of time. Both are possible.
You can apply directly by e-mail or by post for job offers that you see on our homepage or receive from us by e-mail and in which the name and address of the training provider are already mentioned.
If we have a direct mandate from a school or kindergarten, you will first receive an anonymised job offer. Should this interest you, we will inform you in detail about the sponsor, its institution, your remuneration and other conditions. If your interest then remains, we will usually conduct a detailed preliminary media interview with you and then recommend you directly to the responsible persons of the educational institution. They will then contact you and invite you to a personal meeting online or directly on site.
No. We do have a permit for temporary employment and in a few cases we also work in this area at the request of our clients. However, 99% of the time we place you in permanent employment, i.e. you sign your employment contract directly with the school or daycare provider.
If this is the case, it is usually because we do not have anything that matches your qualifications, location or other requirements at the moment. Please also check your details, the more precise they are, the better we can find you suitable job offers. Some of these are advertised exclusively through LehrCare.
We have decided to manage your profile for you because we value personal contact with you. If you would like us to make any changes or delete your profile from our database, simply let us know by e-mail or telephone and we will take immediate action.
If you are currently happy with your employment or, for example, on parental leave, simply let us know how long you would like to take a break. We will then deactivate your profile and when you are open to new challenges again, you do not have to register again with all your data.
Simply write us an e-mail or give us a call. We will then delete your data and documents from our system immediately.
Da die Anerkennung von nicht pädagogischen oder im Ausland erworbener Berufs- und Studienabschlüsse teils zentral, teils im jeweiligen Bundesland erfolgen muss, können wir Ihnen nur mitteilen, wo Sie Ihre Abschlüsse anerkennen lassen können. Oft unterstützen Sie aber auch unsere Kunden bei den entsprechenden Prozessen, wenn Sie sich über uns bei diesen bewerben.
First of all, we would like to reassure you. Only in about 10% of cases have candidates not been satisfied with their choice of job through us in the past. If this does happen, please contact us immediately. We will handle your enquiry discreetly and, if you wish, we will be happy to look for an alternative together.
To be honest, not much. We can already say something about possible departures, e.g. from civil service employment. However, so far we have few job offers at educational institutions that are not in the pedagogical field.
Frequently Asked Questions - Education Providers
Although our pool of 17,000 profiles contains a whole series of highly qualified prospects, your offer must also be suitable for them. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, so we have to go beyond our own database and search for you in business networks, via social media campaigns and classic cold calling. That is why we call ourselves and our service personnel consultancy and not recruitment agency. First of all, we talk to you about who you are looking for, when and under what conditions, and then decide together whether the effort is worthwhile for you and us in terms of the expected success or whether your resources could be better deployed elsewhere in the specific case.
Personalberatung, d.h. im Kern die aktive Suche nach qualifizierten pädagogischen Fach- und Führungskräften, neudeutsch und verkürzt auch Headhunting genannt, ist eine zeit-und daher auch kostenintensive und erklärungsbedürftige Dienstleistung. Deshalb sprechen wir gerne mit Ihnen über Ihren konkreten Bedarf und definieren gemeinsam die gewünschten Leistungen, bevor Sie ein Angebot von uns bekommen.
Moreover, we work with fixed prices, so there are no hidden costs.
We are looking for both, and for the areas of school as well as kindergarten and related areas such as child, youth and family support.
Fortunately, both are rare, but they can happen. Unfortunately, in the end we can't see into the heads of the candidates or into the everyday life of your institution. Nevertheless, we will not leave you alone with this issue. Just talk to us, we will surely find a solution.
With us, you can reach specialists and managers from schools, daycare centres, etc. exclusively and accurately, and through several channels at the same time
At the moment, we still do this for you. Once you have decided which ad format is right for you, you will receive an offer. As soon as we have received your signature, we will place your job advertisement online on weekdays, usually within 24 hours.
Here you can advertise several vacancies at the same time via different channels in a targeted manner, update them and exchange them at any time and, in contrast to a single advertisement, you can leave your job advertisements online for the entire duration until your vacancy is successfully filled.
Well, that depends on who you are looking for and which of our services you are booking. Ultimately, it is always a case-by-case consideration.
Schalten Sie eine Anzeige in unserem Online-Stellenmarkt, bieten wir Ihnen eine gezielte Reichweite und eine mehrkanalige Präsenz, das erhöht Ihre Chancen gegenüber vielen anderen Anzeigenportalen.
If you go to us for personnel consulting and we are allowed to approach potential candidates directly for your vacancy, we will always reach the right people. Whether they then join you depends, among other things, on the attractiveness of your offer.
If you are unable to fill your vacancy through an advertisement with us, we offer you the opportunity to join us in personnel consulting, i.e. to actively search for suitable educators or managers.
Bereits gezahlte Beträge für Ihre Anzeige rechnen wir Ihnen auf die Personalberatung an, damit Sie uns nicht doppelt vergüten.
Was manche Arbeitgeber*innen verkennen, ist, dass Arbeitnehmer*innenüberlassung auf einem knappen Markt oft keine geeignete Dienstleistung ist, da sich ausgebildete Pädagog*innen in der Regel feste Anstellungsverhältnisse direkt beim Bildungsträger wünschen und wenig Anreiz verspüren, sich für einen begrenzten Zeitraum oder erst einmal auf auf Probe auf die sogenannte Leiharbeit einzulassen.
For you as an employer, it can still make sense to talk to us about this service, e.g. if you want to bridge a staff shortage at short notice and you are not necessarily looking for a fully trained specialist or, if you are, offer them more than a regular employee.
Haven't found what you were looking for?
Call us or send us an e-mail. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.