
LehrCare has been successfully cooperating with various companies, associations and initiatives for years and is a member of several different organisations. Are you also interested in a joint venture? Then get in touch with us!


Die größte Internetcommunity für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer im deutschsprachigen Raum wurde im Jahr 2002 gegründet und zählt mittlerweile über 1 Million Mitglieder. Im Mittelpunkt der Community steht der kostenfreie Austausch von Erfahrungen, Ideen und Unterrichtsmaterialien. Abgerundet wird das Angebot durch einen Webshop (shop.4teachers.de) sowie tagesaktuellen Meldungen aus Bildung und Wissenschaft (news4teachers.de).

Bildungsweb Media GmbH

Bildungsweb ist ein in seiner Form einzigartiges Online-Bildungsnetzwerk und präsentiert mit dem zentralen Portal Bildung.de eine Plattform, auf der Bildungsanbieter aus den Bereichen Studium, Schule, Weiterbildung und Sprachen ihr Angebot durch verschiedene Präsentations- und Werbemöglichkeiten vorstellen. Das Portal bietet eine detaillierte Such- und Filterfunktion, wodurch die Besucher sehr schnell zum passenden Bildungsangebot finden.

Deutscher Lehrkräftepreis

The competition "Deutscher Lehrkräftepreis - Unterricht innovativ" (German Teachers' Award - Innovative Teaching) aims to increase public appreciation as well as the image of the teaching profession and the work of school principals as well as to provide effective impulses for improving teaching at schools. The prize is aimed at students who can nominate their teachers, at teachers themselves who can submit their teaching concepts and at colleges who can nominate their school principals. The prizes are awarded in three categories: "Excellent Teachers", "Innovative Teaching" and "Exemplary School Administration". The sponsors of the nationwide, annual competition are the German Philologists' Association and the Heraeus Education Foundation.

BBT - Fachseminar für Lehrende in Gesundheitsberufen

Das BBT – Fachseminar für Lehrende in Gesundheitsberufen bietet qualitativ hochwertige Fortbildungsveranstaltungen mit renommierten Fachdozenten der Bereiche Pflege, Gesundheit und Marketing an. BBT ist spezialisiert auf die Konzeption und Durchführung praxisbezogener Seminare und Workshops für Lehrende in Gesundheitsberufen. Ein interessantes und vielfältiges Angebot mit Seminaren zu Methoden im Unterricht, Didaktik oder zur Gesundheits- bildung der Lehrenden organisiert BBT in Hamburg und in Frankfurt/Main. Erfahrene Referenten aus Schule und Hochschule, hochaktuelle Themen sowie eine reibungslose Organisation gewährleisten eine anspruchs-
Experienced lecturers from schools and universities, highly topical subjects as well as a smooth organisation guarantee a high-quality further education. BBT is listed with the Registrierung beruflich Pflegender GmbH (Registration of Professional Nurses).

Frech consulting

Frech Consulting - represented by its managing director Mr. Daniel Frech - is a management consultancy for interim management, project management, consulting and coaching that has been active in the education sector for almost 10 years. In particular, it has successfully accompanied various start-ups in the general and vocational school sector and takes on interdisciplinary consulting mandates for educational companies operating nationwide.

Gestaltpädagogische Vereinigung e.V.

Gestaltpädagogik as a practical philosophy of life and overall attitude offers educators the opportunity to respond to the diverse challenges of their everyday professional lives by discovering, inventing and trying out their own solutions.



With up to 2.5 million visits per month and more than 700,000 registered users, stellenanzeigen.de is one of the leading online job exchanges for specialists and executives in Germany. The high reach and visibility of online job ads on stellenanzeigen.de is supported by active reach management with SmartReach 2.0, which includes, among other things, the intelligent playout of ads in the media network with more than 1,000 regional platforms and 250 specialist platforms as well as with effective partners.


VDP Hessen e.V.

As a professional association, the VDP Hessen e.V. represents the interests of educational institutions in independent sponsorship in the state of Hesse on an individual basis and provides information on current developments in the school, education and vocational training sector. The association and its members are not bound by ideology or denomination. The State Association of Hesse is a member of the Verband Deutscher Privatschulverbände e.V. (VDP) and a permanent member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der freien Schulen (AGFS) of the State of Hesse.

VDP Niedersachsen-Bremen e.V.

The VDP Niedersachsen-Bremen e.V., as a professional association based in the state capital of Hanover, represents the interests of Lower Saxony's and Bremen's independent schools and educational institutions vis-à-vis the state governments, the state parliament, the employment agencies and other institutions. It is a member of the Association of German Private School Associations (Verband Deutscher Privatschulverbände e. V. - VDP), which means that its affiliated institutions are integrated into an interactive, nationwide network of state associations and around 2,000 sponsors of independent schools and educational institutions.

VDP Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

As a politically neutral and non-denominational professional association, the VDP Saxony-Anhalt actively represents the interests of independent general and vocational schools as well as private adult educational institutions in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. The VDP Sachsen-Anhalt is represented in many important state committees and works closely with the representatives of the federal and state parliaments, with the authorities responsible for educational issues, with employment agencies and with many other organisations.

Weltverband Deutscher Auslandsschulen

Since its founding in 2003, the WDA has been supporting German schools abroad and thus giving the independent school operators a united voice. To this end, it consolidates the knowledge of the many local experts into a global network. It supports its members in their responsibilities and promotes their projects with targeted services. It represents common interests vis-à-vis the German Bundestag and thus, as an important representative of foreign cultural and educational policy, actively helps to shape it.

Zukunft Digitale Bildung

The non-profit Zukunft Digitale Bildung supports teachers in their role as driving forces of digital transformation. By providing transparent information on Lehrer-News and consulting on digitalisation topics through the ZDB Academy, they enable teachers to lay the foundation for a future-oriented change in education. For companies, the education agency EduAct paves the way into the German education market. They work for an education system that is adapted to the digital needs of the future and leaves no child behind.


News4teachers is a news and discussion site with serious reporting, analysis and commentary aimed at educational professionals and the public interested in educational issues. The editorial team examines news from politics, research and society on a daily basis. Everything that is important for education finds its way onto the site. News4teachers thus offers an up-to-date overview of relevant information for teachers, educators, pupils and parents. Most importantly, it is also independent and non-partisan.